Design Handbook

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Last updated 2/22/2005


The Design Committee will consider your suggestions for additions and modifications to this document at any regular association meeting.

This document may change from time to time. When you do any landscaping or improvements on your property, the work must be done in accord with the latest Design Handbook, not the Design Handbook in effect when you bought your property. Therefore, before you apply for a Design Committee Permit to do any work you should get an up-to-date copy from the Association’s office or at by revisiting this page and verifying any changes on the amendments page.

The following Standards describe the only building operations that may be permitted by the Design Committee (“The Committee”), but only after the Committee has issued a written permit (a “DC permit”). The Association is likely to impose fines, and/or order removal, in the event that any building operation is started in violation of these Standards or without a permit. In case of a dispute, homeowners and/or the Board can request a Board hearing or arbitration, and/or apply to Small Claims or higher courts for assistance.

The Committee and its Rules are established by Article VIII of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Woodland Village (CC&Rs) dated May 2000. The Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Woodland Village Association (“The Board”).

These Rules do not replace, but instead add to, the laws of Washoe County, the State of Nevada, the Federal Government, and the Woodland Village CC&Rs. The Committee usually does not enforce other government’s rules, but may call upon those other governments for assistance whenever appropriate. Section 8.11 of the CC&Rs describes the circumstances under which the Committee may grant variances from these Rules.


“Back yard,”as used in this document means the portion of a lot between the back of the house and the rear fence, the full width of the lot. “Side yard” refers to the remainder of the lot enclosed by original fences installed by the builder, not including the back yard.

“Invisible” means structures that extend less than 5 feet above the home first floor carpet, in side or back yards, and behind a 6 foot redwood or cedar fence. “Visible” refers to all other locations on a property, including front yards and the entire top floor of two-story homes.

All building operations must be promptly completed, properly maintained, and give the appearance of being built to construction industry standard practices.

Classes of building operations

“Exempt” means that the specified building operation is allowed without a DC permit, but may still require a Washoe County permit (328-2020).

“A DC permit is required” means that a permit from the Committee is required before a particular building operation may begin. The Committee is likely to issue a permit if the particular building operation complies with this document. DC Permits are good for one (1) year from the date of approval to completion of the project. However, should there be special circumstances, an extension of six (6) months can be applied for through the Committee. A Washoe County permit may also be required.

The Standards

Additions A DC permit is required. The following restrictions apply.

Additions must not exceed 800 square feet and must be in the back yard.

Additions must be directly connected to the initial construction, without intervening porches or breezeways.

Additions must not make the resulting structure extend more than 22 feet above the home first floor carpet.

There must be only one kitchen per residential lot.

Additions must match the home in color, trim design, siding material, roof material and color, and roof pitch.

Additions must be only on top of the existing home or in the back yard (see “Back yard” under Definitions), must not extend the home closer to the street, and must not be on either side of the home.

Garage doors, if any, must match the home’s original garage door, except that glass can be added or deleted from the top panel.

See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Animal cages Animal cages and dog runs, are exempt if invisible.

Antennas and Satellite Dishes “Antennas”
No activity will be conducted on any lot which causes an unreasonable broadcast interference with television or radio reception on any neighboring lot. A DC permit is required for every type and location of antenna. A DC permit will not be issued for a dish located on the front elevation or front roof line of your house. If you have not met the above requirements, please submit your plans to the design committee.

Basketball backboard These are exempt when behind the 6′ fence. A DC permit is required to place them on either side of driveways no nearer than 7 feet to the front of the garage or the back of curb. They are discouraged, and a DC permit is required, to place them over the garage door on one story homes, but with a reminder that damage done to the garage, garage door and lights must be promptly repaired. Portable units must be put back by R.V. gates when not being used.

Christmas lights Exterior decorative light strings may only be up for three months, from November 1st through January 31st of the next year.

Clotheslines Invisible exterior clotheslines are exempt. Clotheslines within a garage, screened from public view, may be erected or maintained, and are exempt.

Concrete flatwork Concrete flatwork in the back yard is exempt. A DC permit is required for concrete flatwork between the driveway and the property line away from the front door. A DC permit is required for decorative concrete flatwork in the area between the front door and the street; no more than 20% of the area may be covered.

Coverage Ground covered by sheds, gazebos, covered swimming pools, sunrooms, covered or enclosed decks, garages, additions, greenhouses and any other covered construction must be limited as follows:

Land near a home has been originally graded so that rainwater and other sources of water are directed away from the home’s foundation. New construction must not cause water to be directed toward or remain near the foundation of the home.

Such construction, including the home, must not cover more than 40% of the surface area of the lot.

Such construction, excluding the home, must not exceed either the size of the home, or 1500 square feet.

All such construction may not be within 5 feet of the side fences of the lot, or within 5 feet of the back fence. Construction not attached to the home may not be within 10 feet of the home. In some cases, Washoe County “setbacks” may be more restrictive, and may or may not be enforced by Washoe County.

Decks (front yard) A DC permit is required for front decks, subject to the following restrictions:

Front decks must not exceed 160 square feet, must not extend beyond the sidewall of the home, and must not extend in front of the garage.

Front decks must not be covered.

Front decks may be enclosed no higher than 36″. Material used to enclose the deck up to 36″ high must be pickets, rails, or wood lattice. Such material must be stained redwood (or equivalent) or painted the exterior colors of the home.

The walking surface of the front deck must not be higher than the front porch of the home.

The walking surface must be concrete, brick, wood, block or any other permanent construction.

Decks (second floor) A DC permit is required for decks on the back of two-story homes, on the second story, subject to the following restrictions:

Stairs from the deck to the ground may be included, provided that the deck is at least 80 square feet in size.

Such construction, including stairs, must not extend more than 12 feet rearward from the back of the home, and must not extend beyond the side walls of the back of the two-story portion of the home.

Such construction must not be covered.

Such construction must be enclosed by a safe railing to a height of 42″. Material used for this purpose must be pickets, rails, or wood lattice. Such material must be stained redwood (or equivalent) or painted the exterior colors of the home.

The walking surface of the deck must be at the same height as the 2nd floor of the home.

The walking surfaces must be wood or other suitable permanent construction.

Decks and patios (rear and side yards) A DC permit is required for decks in side and back yards, subject to the following restrictions:

The entire construction, including railings, is exempt if uncovered and less than 5′ above the home’s first floor carpet.

If covered to provide shade but still allow rain to pass through, covering should be 2×2 boards or lattice work. Other covering material, such as aluminum and plastics, will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If not wood, it must be embossed to look like wood, and must be new and painted white or a color to match the home.

If covered, roof pitch must be at least 2/12 and no more than 4/12, and must meet all of the above.

Covered portions must be in the back yard only, and may not extend beyond the sides of the home.

See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Fencing Nothing visible from the street or adjacent lots, or that could cause damage to the fence, may be attached to the builder installed fence.

Fencing (front yard) A DC permit is required. Fencing must be picket or split rail fencing, no higher than four feet, or solid three foot fences of wood or decorative block or rock no higher than two feet. Fences on top of retaining walls may be only picket or split rail. Fences must be stained to match the 6′ back and side yard fencing, or picket fences may be painted white or the same color as the body or the trim of the house. Vinyl may be used in the place of wood. Other fence materials are not allowed. A DC permit is required for relocation of fences facing the street, and then only if there is no significant visual affect from the street. A DC permit is required for any gate hinges visible from the street.

Total height of multiple retaining walls and/or fences on the same slope may not exceed 4 feet.

Fencing (back and side yards) Such fencing, if less than 6 feet tall, is exempt.

Fireplaces or Wood-burning Stoves A DC permit is required.

One American Flag is exempt from DC permit, but is required to follow the ” Federal Flag Code” (the rules and customs pertaining to the display and use of the American flag). One other flag is allowed without a DC permit, but may be no larger than 3’x5′ and poles may be no larger than 6′. Pole and bracket must be made of rust-resistant material and maintained in a like-new condition. Any additional flags must have a DC permit. No vulgar/hate language, advertising, or company names permitted. The Board will be the final determinant of appropriate flags and may order flags removed at any time.

Garage conversion Garage doors must not be modified in any manner that changes the exterior appearance or causes the door to not operate as originally installed. Washoe County requires that a “garage may not be converted to other living space until a replacement garage has received a certificate of occupancy.”

Garages (new) DC and Washoe County permits are required for new garages, under restrictions of Washoe County, the CC&Rs, and the following:

Such structures may contain a storage area, and/or a bathroom.

No other types of area, such as kitchen or sleeping areas, are allowed in such structures.

The permitted bathroom may have only a toilet and sink. Bathtubs and showers are not allowed.

Such structures must not exceed 1500 square feet or 1 story.

The height of such structures must not exceed 15 feet above the home’s first floor carpet.

The garage slab in such structures must be from 0 to 2 feet above the home’s garage slab.

The first floor covering in such structures must be from 0 to 2 feet above the home’s first floor carpet.

Such structures must have a concrete foundation.

The intersection of the top chord of trusses and eave-end walls must be at 8 feet above the sheathed floor.

Additions must match the home in color, trim design, siding material, roof material and color, and roof pitch.

See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Such structures must not appear, from any direction, to have the appearance of the front of a Woodland Village home.

Window trim on such structures must be a single course of 1×4.

Garage doors on such structures must be no larger than 8 feet tall and 16 feet wide, and must match the appearance of the original garage door on the home.

Such structures must not have windows larger than 4′ by 4′, and must not have any window within 2 feet of any other window.

Such structures must not have sliding glass doors.

Such structures must be designed, engineered and approved under the currently adopted (by Washoe County) version of the Uniform Building Code.

Gazebos A DC permit is required for gazebos, but the size must not exceed 12′ x 16′ and no portion may be more than 10 feet above the home’s first floor carpet. Homemade gazebos must match industry standards for appearance and durability. See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Greenhouses A DC permit is required. Greenhouses may only be in areas that would be considered “invisible,” and the size must not exceed 400 square feet or be taller than 7 feet above the home’s first floor carpet. Reflective materials other than glass may not be used for such construction. See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Gutters and downspouts A DC permit is required, unless installed by the Builder prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. These items must be the same color as the home’s trim. See “Coverage.”

Interior changes Interior changes are exempt unless the exterior of the home is changed, in which case a DC permit is required.

Landscaping Landscaping in front of the fence must conform to the Landscape Standards Guidebook and a DC permit is required. Landscaping behind the fence is exempt. A DC permit is required for front yard landscape changes affecting 25% or more of the front yard. Landscaping must not cause rainwater or other water to be directed toward the foundation, or to collect near the foundation.

Painting Repainting a home with the original base and trim colors is exempt. A DC permit is required for any change, which must be consistent with the original color schemes allowed throughout Woodland Village.

Parking Nothing shall be constructed that allows vehicle access or parking in front yards, except between the driveway and the property line on the garage side of the home.

Paving A DC permit is required. Concrete paving may be permitted by the vehicle gate. Such paving requires a Washoe County permit. See “Coverage” regarding the requirement that such paving may not interfere with the lot drainage.

Planter boxes Invisible planter boxes are exempt. A DC permit is required for visible planter boxes.

Playhouses A DC permit is required. Playhouses must be behind the 6′ fence, but must not cover more than 100 square feet of ground or be taller than 7 feet above the home’s first floor carpet. See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Playground equipment Such equipment is exempt behind the 6′ fences.

Porches and walkways A DC permit is required. Whether covered or not, these structures must not be enclosed. A DC permit is required for trellises around such areas.

Retaining walls A DC permit is required for all retaining walls, which may not exceed 30 inches in height. Railroad ties may be used in retaining walls as posts, but no more often than 4 feet; or flat between posts but no more than 2 high. If retaining walls are made of wood or redwood, they must be stained to match the 6′ back and side yard fencing. See additional information under “Fencing (front yard).

Roof No structure or device of any kind (including air conditioners, swamp coolers, and solar panels) will be placed on the roofs of structures, except as noted under “Antennas” and “Weathervanes.”

Siding Exterior siding must match the style used, and be made of masonite, wood or equivalent. Vinyl, aluminum or steel siding is not permitted.

Skylights A DC permit is required. The maximum size is 2 by 4 feet; the maximum number is 2 per home. The position and location should be as inconspicuous as possible.

Storage Sheds A DC permit is required. Storage sheds must be in the back yard only (See “Back yard” under Definitions), be less than 200 square feet if wooden, 140 square feet if metal,
not taller than 12 feet, siding material and installation must give the appearance of industry standard construction, roof material must minimize reflected sunlight, and colors must be typical of those used at Woodland Village. Sea containers, truck trailers and other shipping containers are not permitted. Storage sheds must be located in such a manner to minimize visibility from the street and from the first floor windows of side and back neighbor’s homes. See “Coverage” for additional restrictions, including setbacks.

Storm doors, screen doors, and security doors
A DC permit is required, unless the door is behind the 6′ fence and on the first floor. Such doors must be clear or decorative.

Sunrooms A DC permit is required. Sunrooms must be in the back yard, not be taller than 8 feet above the home first floor carpet, and not be made of highly reflective materials other than glass. See “Coverage” for additional restrictions.

Swamp coolers A DC permit is required if visible from any other home or street in Woodland Village. Swamp coolers must be only in the following locations: a) inside garages or attics such that they are not visible from outside the home, b) on the back of the home with the top of the swamp cooler no higher than 12′ above the first floor carpet, or c) on the side of the home, behind the
6′ fence, with the top of the swamp cooler no higher than the top of the nearest fence. Swamp coolers may not be on roofs, attached to roofs, penetrate roofs or in any other way interfere with the appearance or function of a roof.

Swimming pools In ground and above ground swimming pools are exempt when invisible. Such equipment is not allowed when visible. Structures to cover a pool require a DC permit.

Weathervanes A DC permit is required. Weathervanes must be no larger than 18″ in height and 18″ in width, and may be mounted on a forward facing ridge.

Window boxes A DC permit is required for window boxes and shelves under windows, except when invisible. Window boxes (planters attached to the home directly below windows) must not exceed
1 foot tall, 1 foot deep, and the width of the window. Such window boxes must be either stained redwood or painted to match the home base or trim colors.

Window coverings A DC permit is required for exterior window coverings, which must be only behind the 6′ fence, and no higher than 8 feet above the home first floor carpet. Canvas awnings are not allowed. Metal awnings are allowed only if the metal is embossed to look like wood.

Window screens The window screens as supplied by the builder shall be maintained by the homeowner in a like-new condition. All torn, ripped or missing screen material shall be replaced with new material. Patching of screening material shall be accepted only on an emergency basis and shall be completed in 30 days. This section is also applicable to storm door/screen door installations that have been approved by the Design Committee. (Window screens that have suffered damage to the frame structure shall be replaced within 30 days. In the interim, these damaged frames/screens shall be removed from the windows until such repairs/replacements have been made.)

Windows A DC permit is required for every change, including additions, removal, moving, garden windows, and bay windows. Garden windows (typically a kitchen window that extends 1 foot away from the house) must not be on the front of a home. Nothing may be allowed to cover the glass, including but not limited to security screens, bars, or shutters.

Wishing wells A DC permit is required in front yards. Wishing wells in back yards that do not extend above any portion of the back or side yard fences are exempt.